Letter From the President:
Parkinson’s Disease Research & Education Institute in a non-profit international organization dedicated to provide support and medical awareness and nutritious foods to other organizations, hospitals and people.
The past year has been one of growth and utilizing our resources to maximize our impact in providing funds for education, awareness and continued research in hopes of finding a cure for Parkinson’s disease . Parkinson’s Disease Research & Education Institute has been driven by the challenges of providing research grants, aid, and support to those who suffer from Parkinson’s disease. It is our commitment to help provide information and assistance to the general public concerning Parkinson’s disease and other chronic diseases.
Parkinson’s Disease Research & Education Institute will stay true of empowering people with Parkinson’s by providing them with the information they need to stay healthy.
Vivian Montano

Mission Statement
Our mission is to help find the cure for Parkinson’s disease and until that goal is achieved, to provide the aid and education needed to combat the detrimental and life-threatening complications of this terrible disease.

Better treatment starts with better research. Today, we know that some people with Parkinson’s are able to live well for decades with only minimal impact from their disease. Our research is focused on understanding how these people — and their doctors — are able to achieve these excellent results. Our goal is to help others apply what we learn to their own unique health condition.